By: Miriam Edelman
Press Release
WASHINGTON – In October 2023, DCNOW joined #HANDSOFFDC. DCNOW looks forward to collaborating with this coalition of more than 50 organizations on local Washington, D.C., issues. In March 2023 when Congress prevented a D.C. bill from becoming law for the first time in more than three decades, advocates founded this network. D.C. residents should be able to be in charge of its own local affairs without needless meddling from the U.S. Congress.
DCNOW’s President Rose Brunache said, “I am looking forward to working as part of the #HandsOffDC coalition. This network is to be congratulated for mobilizing grassroots and letting Congress know that the U.S. Congress should not intervene with D.C. legislation.”
If you would like to learn more and want to participate in #HANDSOFFDC actions, such as Congressional visits and rallies, feel free to contact DCNOW.